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Abul Basar Mohammad Baki


Department of Water Resources Engineering (WRE)

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh

Tel. 880-2-966 5650, Ext. 7239 (office), 880-2-966 5650 Ext. 7681, 7258 (residence) 

Mobile: 880-18 9174252

Fax: 880-2-861 3026

E-mail:    abmbaki@wre.buet.ac.bd



  • M.Sc. Engg. (Water Resources), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka , Bangladesh, (On going)

  • B.Sc. Engg. (Water Resources), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka , Bangladesh ,2004




  • December 2004 to date: Lecturer, Department of Water Resources Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.



Workshop/Short Course Attended:

 "Teachers Appreciation Workshop" organized by the Directorate of Continuing Education, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, held during 26-27 February, 2005.

"Short Course on Groundwater Management" organized under the linkage program Phase-III between Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, held during 21-24 August, 2005.

"Short Course on Remote Sensing and GIS in Water Management" organized by the Directorate of Continuing Education, BUET and Institute of Water and Flood Management, BUET,  held during 2-6 September, 2006.






Publications and Presentations:



Abul Basar Mohammad Baki & Md. Abdul Halim, 2005, "Computation of Gradually-Varied Flow Profiles by Numerical Methods", The Journal of NOAMI, Vol.22, No. 1, June 2005


Conference / Seminar  Proceedings:



 Accepted / Submitted :  

A B M Baki, M F Bari, M I Haque, M S Masud, A S Khan and M Marchand, 2007, “Effect of upstream storage dam and diversion barrage on river-wetland connectivity in a selected area of the Surma and Kushiyara river basin” International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM) 2007, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 12-14 March. (Abstract Accepted)

A B M Baki, M F Bari, M I Haque, M S Masud, A S Khan and M Marchand, 2007, “An analysis of upstream withdrawal scenarios using geo-spatial approach in the Surma-Kushiyara river basin” International Conference on Past and Future of Water (5th IWHA Conference Tampere Finland) 2007, 13 – 17 June. (Abstract Accepted)



Baki, A.B.M. (2004): "Computation of Flow Profiles by Numerical Methods" Submitted to Department of Water Resources Engineering , Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Water Resources Engineering

Baki, A.B.M. (proposed): "Effect of Upstream Withdrawal on Wetland Connectivity in Surma-Kushiyara River Basin" Submitted to Department of Water Resources Engineering , Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering


Last updated : Monday September 18, 2006